US Shock: How They Recover after Shut Down and Why We Can’t Overtake

Weeks ago, world has been shocked by the most powerful state news. US are announced to shut down their government, leaving just a little public servant that still running. Liberty Statue and other museum, and national park like Grand Canyon are among the tourism object that has to be closed, affected by government policy, causing million dollar loss its potential income.
Government shutdowns tend to occur when the President and one or both of the chambers of Congress are unable to resolve disagreements over budget allocations before the existing budget cycle ends[1]. The United States Congress members consist of two major actors, The House of Representatives dominated by opposite parties and Senate held by winner party, those compositions leaving a problem, there are no easy agreement between members. If the funding gap lasts long enough that shutdown plans must be enacted, the law requires the furlough of non-emergency personnel and curtailment of agency activities and services. Federal services may be continued for a short time after the shut down, including National Weather Service (BMKG in Indonesia), health, army, Air Traffic Control and prison system[2].
During the Ford and Carter administrations, funding gaps caused 6 partial shutdowns that affected only the departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare. These lasted from 8 to 18 days and the primary issue of dispute was federal funding for abortion. During the Reagan administration, there were 8 funding gaps with technical shutdowns lasting less than 48 hours or over weekends while spending measures were negotiated. A funding gap during the George H. W. Bush administration also caused a weekend shutdown, resolved late the following Monday.[3]
During the Clinton administration, after conservatives made massive congressional gains in the 1994 Republican Revolution, there were two full government shutdowns lasting 5 and 21 days respectively, both the longest and most severe to that date. These shutdowns led to massive furloughs and significant disruption. The primary issue was the United States budget deficit.
The United States federal government shutdown of 2013 ran from September 30 to October 16, 2013. The primary issue of dispute between the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and the Democratic Senate was the Republicans' desire to delay or defund the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), signed into law in 2010.[4] A bill to end the shutdown and fund federal agencies through Jan. 15, 2014, passed the Senate and the House and was signed into law on Oct. 17, 2013[5]
Under the separation of powers created by the United States Constitution, the United States Congress has the sole power of the purse and responsibility for appropriating government funds. The appropriations bills must start in the House of Representatives and then be approved by the Senate, which upon passage of a final version by both houses, then go to the President of the United States. If the President signs or ignores the bills, they become law. If the President vetoes the bills, they go back to Congress, where the veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote.
Shutdowns of the type experienced by the United States are nearly impossible in other democracies. Under the parliamentary system used in most European nations, the executive and legislative branch are not separate, with the parliament designating all executive officials, typically called "ministers". In many other non-parliamentary democracies, a strong executive branch typically has the authority to keep the government functioning even without an approved budget.[6]
While most government shutdowns prior to the 1995–1996 shutdowns had very mild effects, a full federal government shutdown causes a large number of civilian federal employees to be furloughed. Active duty military personnel (those on Title 10 status) and employees excepted by the Anti deficiency Act are not furloughed, but may not be paid as scheduled[7] if at all for the period of the furlough. During a government shutdown, furloughed government employees are prohibited from even checking their e-mail from home. To enforce this prohibition, many agencies require employees to return their government-issued electronic devices for the duration of the shutdown[8].
How about Indonesia, one of Asia growing countries? It become difficult for Indonesian government announcing those shutdown just like the USA did. Although the budgeting approval lies under the House of Representatives (HR), but their decision will be a snow ball effect if they reject government budgeting submission. Considering its resources, economic power and position among the countries, The HR tent to be neutral and giving no such radical disagreement onto the government budgetary plans, despite its member composition. The countries growth, economic activity and citizen income rely on government operation. They dont have that same power and that same autonomous as USA have. No wonder, the USA has become eternal superpower among the universe for decades. Almost every sector of human needs all over the world cannot be separated from USA, especially its currency. The US $ has become the most powerful currency among the others and used in almost all the world trading activities. Not to mention USA contribution aiding millions dollar to the countries that need help to overcome its poverty and disaster problem.
Yes, America will never fall or bankrupt at least not yet. Those superpower still have plenty natural, human and economic resources. The government actor or bureaucracy is steady, effective and efficient unit, providing a better performance than others, sustaining its greatness nation. Slightly corruption cases, wealthy, uphold the law, and a better employment opportunity creating US attractive for all over the world. With US$ 49.802,15 income per capita, The US economic power relies on 50 country states, a federal district, and use of currency among the world trading transaction[9]. US politic policy also triggers world economic growth. America will never run out. It would be very difficult for other nation such China, England, France, India, Russia or other wealth country to overtake US position among the world.
This irreplaceable position is highly recognized by the US along with those consequences. As we know, US have taking part as a “world police”. The US defense budget tent to rise each year (see my paper “US Military Budget and US Counter Terrorism Policy” for detail) enacting US on first position for its military expense and forces. With the great power comes greater responsible. The effort to have a balanced force conducting other rich nation is not supported with enough resources and its reserve. As a result, Americans remain unshaken.

---more deed analysis will be upload soon---

[2]  Brass, Clinton T. (February 18, 2011). "Shutdown of the Federal Government: Causes, Processes, and Effects" (PDF). Congressional Research Service (via The Washington Post). Retrieved October 4, 2013.
[4] Curry, Tom (September 29, 2013). "Chances of averting government shutdown appear slim". NBC News. Retrieved October 1, 2013
[5] Obama signs budget deal; government to reopen Thursday". CNBC/Reuters. 16 Oct 2013. Retrieved 2013-10-18
[6] Zurcher, Anthony (October 1, 2013). "US Shutdown Has Other Nations Confused and Concerned". BBC News. Retrieved October 4, 2013
[7] Riley, Charles (April 6, 2011). "Shutdown: 800,000 Federal Workers in the Dark".CNN Money. Retrieved October 4, 2013.
[8] Liberto, Jennifer (September 25, 2013). "Federal workers: Hand over BlackBerry during shutdown". (CNN). Retrieved October 6, 2013


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